Brave Bible Heroes
Discover these incredible true stories of men and women from the Bible who exhibited courage, overcame their own weakness, and rose above seemingly impossible challenges to achieve amazing things.

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He listened to and obeyed God’s instructions to build an enormous boat that would safely protect his family and many animals from a great flood.

Her strong faith emboldened her to hide two Israelite spies on her roof, allowing Joshua and his army to fulfill God’s plan to conquer the city of Jericho.

Despite having many flaws, he fearlessly challenged Israel’s enemies and humbly asked God for strength when he needed it most.

Enduring ridicule and rebuke, Hannah refused to let her heart grow angry or bitter toward God and was rewarded with her heart’s desire—a healthy baby boy named Samuel.

As a judge, priest, and prophet, Samuel faithfully served the people of Israel during dangerous times, praying for their protection against their many enemies.